Our primary purpose is to carry out the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, support the leadership and vision of our Senior Pastor and Teacher, maintain and promote public worship, preach and teach the Scriptures, and foster/nurture membership growth through discipleship.

St. Andrew Missionary Baptist Church is a place where God calls each of us to Kingdom work through the mission and ministry of the Church. The St. Andrew Missionary Baptist Church family invites you to GET INVOLVED WITH MINISTRY by helping us to Exalt Christ, Encourage Christians, and Edify our Community by doing a work for God’s Kingdom.

Deacon and Deaconess Ministry

The Deacons’ Ministry of St. Andrew is instrumental in congregational care. They continue to ensure that the spiritual needs of the congregation are met through prayer, visitation, and other needs as requested.

For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Testimonial Timothy 3 : 13
Timothy 3 : 13

Deacon Nelson Wyartt


Christian Education

1. New Member Orientation

The purpose of the New Member’s Discipleship Development Orientation is to:

  • Give a new member a clear understanding of the significance of the new life in Christ.

  • Explain the responsibilities inherited because of the Christian experience.

  • Define what it means to become a member of God’s Church. By using God’s Word as the final authority.

New Member’s Discipleship Development Orientation also seeks to emphasize the distinction between church membership and Christian Discipleship.

2. School of Discipleship

  • The purpose of The School of Discipleship is to help each member understand and reaffirm his/her conversion experience and their commitment: to Christ and the Church.

  • To help each member understand and accept the privileges and responsibilities of church membership.

  • To help each member understand and accept the responsibilities of Christian Discipleship (Bible Study, Prayer, Tithing, Charitable Giving and Worship).


Deacon Chad Jackson

Music and Kingdom Arts (MAKA)

MAKA of St. Andrew consists of choirs, dance, drama, praise teams and ensembles. Each Sunday, the ministry leads the congregation in praise and worship.

  • Music Ministry- Rebirth (Youth Choir) | Ensemble | Excellence | Male Choir

  • Dance Ministry

  • Mime Ministry

  • Sign Ministry


Bro. Wayne Bumpers


Hospitality Ministry

The hospitality ministry is a crucial part of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries in the church. In Christ, you have received God’s unconditional love, and, in Christ, you are called to extend that same unconditional love to others. Although an usher’s love is no stronger than the love found in the whole congregation of the body of Christ, nevertheless the usher performs a major role in ensuring that people see and experience that love.

  • Youth

  • Young Adult

  • Adult

  • Male


Sis. Linda Seabrooks

Youth Ushers

Sis. Judi Johnson

Young Adult Ushers

Deaconess L. Wyartt

Adult Ushers

Dec. Nelson Wyartt

Male Ushers

The Youth Ministry

A few of our goals for our youth involved in ministry are:

  • Sharing Christ with lost and unchurched youth, leading them to Church membership, helping them to grow spiritually, and providing opportunities for their Christian ministry

  • Growth numerically and spiritually, with an expansion of the ministries offered

  • Counsel of youth related to their spiritual life, college choice, vocation selection, social and family relationships, etc.

  • A strong foundation in the Christian faith and in Baptist doctrine

  • Community Involvement